Kiddos - The littles and the not-so-littles
If you haven’t heard this about me yet, I will share it again. I am a total child at heart. Kids of all ages tend to get bored quickly and need to move around. I am exactly the same which is often a beautiful match. Working with children has made me grow as a person and a photographer in so many ways. Some kids are shy, quiet, scared at first, possibly special needs or Autistic. Others are excited, embracing, totally wild, and ready to show me the world. No matter what the beautiful characteristics may be of your child, I will feel my way through it and find my footing in step with them.
The “Let’s get down to business” Part…
These sessions can vary from my Simple and Sweet 10 and 20 image sessions to my Full sessions. Please look under the investment tab for details on these to determine what may be the best fit for you.